It's been one year already! I can't tell you how fast this year went. I am sitting at my desk staring out my window to an absolutely gorgeous view on a gorgeous New Mexico fall day. I am truly blessed. We have suffered many emotions over the past few weeks. The year anniversary of our little adventure brought joy, fear, tears, gratitude, questions. One thing we believe so strongly is that God is sovereign. HE has ordained our days, HE has ordained our steps, HE has ordained our decisions. As my husband faithfully goes about his days, many questions rear their ugly heads. But we know God is walking with us, He is sustaining us and teaching us how to live this new life. Our children are growing. I am growing and learning how to navigate my sometimes difficult melancholy self!!! One thing I am so grateful for is God's ever present hand on me reminding me that I am His chosen girl. One who He loves and disciplines. I am learning to laugh more often and smile more often, and believe me....I need to do these things more. He has blessed me and cherished me. Our tears are turning to joy....
So, with a full heart, one that is learning how to serve, my gratitude list goes on....
0087: a God that ordains my steps
0088: pain that reminds me always of a God who upholds
0089: a letter from Gracie girl--"You are the greatest mama. You are the greatest mom." (Singing this of course-it goes on to thank God) "Thank you for the E I made. Thank you for Knoxy. Thank you God for everything."
0090: learning to not let life slip away
0091: learning to let go
0092: my home
0093: the turning leaves
0094: the quiet
Lord, help me to be more tender, joy-filled, gracious....