We are half way through our Monday, and all I have done is run from one child's need to the next. I am watching and hearing my attitude slowly drift in a downward spiral. I come upstairs to print something out on my computer and I come across a blog that I love to read. I found it through a friend who has this link on her blog. This has become my absolute favorite blog to visit and I visit it daily. Ann Voskamp is the writer of this blog "A Holy Experience" and has challenged me in ways I have not been challenged in a very long time. So, she has challenged her readers to keep a running list of things they are thankful for until they reach 1000 of them. So, I am determined to start this running list of thanks. The other thing I have been challenged to do is similar, but a bit more personal. I am determining to keep a journal of thanks and to write in this journal three times a day. Here is the link of the blog that has spurned me on to this. I cannot put it in better words than she does here.
So, here and there, I hope to share with you the things I am thankful for in hopes that my attitude will be one of thankfulness for the blessings God has given me.
P.S. You will have to pause the music on my page (at the bottom) in order not to have my playlist run on top of her playlist!!
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