The pastor of the church we have been attending posted this excerpt from author Elyse Fitzpatrick. It was so good, I had to share it....
Because of the incarnation, Jesus Christ knows exactly what it is to live in a sin-cursed world with people who break the rules…like me. I am a rule-breaker but He’s loved me and he’s experienced every trial I face. He’s with me. He sympathizes with my weakness (Hebrews 4:15). This understanding of His love in the face of my sin drains my anger at my rule-breaking neighbor. I can love her because I’ve been loved and I am just like her.
Because of His sinless life, I now have a perfect record of loving my neighbor. He perfectly loved rule-breakers. This record of perfect love for my rule-breaking neighbor is mine now; knowing this relieves my guilt. Even though I continue to fail to love, His record is mine.
Because of His substitutionary death, I am completely forgiven for my sin…even the sins that I seem to fall into at the slightest provocation. God has no wrath left for me because He poured it all out on His Son. He’s not disappointed or irritated. He welcomes me as a beloved daughter.
Because of His resurrection (and the justification it brings), I know that the power of sin in my life has been broken. Yes, I’ve failed again, but I can have the courage to continue to fight sin because I’m no longer a slave to it. This replaces despair with faith to wage war against my selfishness and pride.
Because of His ascension and reign, I know that this situation isn’t a mere chance happening. He’s orchestrated it so that I will remember Him and be blessed by the gospel again. He’s ruling over my life and interceding for me right now. I’m not a slave to chaos or chance. He’s my Sovereign King and I can rest in His loving plan today and rejoice in Him.
And, because of His promised return, I know that all the doubt, injustice and struggle will one day come to an end. This line in this grocery store and my plans for dinner isn’t all there is. There’s the great good news of the gospel. I can go home now and share with my family and guests how Jesus met me at the grocery store and we can rejoice together in His work on our behalf.
~Elyse Fitzpatrick
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Gracie Girl

It's about to be my Gracie's 4th birthday!!! Four years have passed since this sweet child graced our lives. When we decided to have another baby, little did we know what God had in store for us!
I became pregnant pretty quickly and we were all so excited about it. But that baby is not the baby we later would come to know. This one went to be with Jesus too soon. My fears grew as to how I would ever be able to love another baby as much as a mama should. But God knows. We all grieved for a long time and still grieve. But God gives grace and life goes on, and I became pregnant again and this time God blessed us with Grace. Not only did he bless us with a beautiful baby girl, but He blessed us with the GRACE that is His Gospel. I knew within hours of finding out she was a girl what her name was going to be.
Backing up a bit....the year that I miscarried was a tragic one. Not only for me, but for the entire O'Halloran family. Soon after I lost our precious gift, my nephew lost his mama. There was so much grief and fear. But it is through these kind of trials that God appears with grace. I learned more that year than I ever thought I could. So much deep in my heart, I still can't seem to find words to express. So forgive me if I sound vague. One of the things God showed me was that in this life, what we deserve is death, sadness, tragedy....sin is the source of this truth. But, even through these things, as God's children, He does not allow these things to take us. Even on the death bed, God can reach to the very soul and call that child home. Sin caused death, but God's grace says, "No...this one is mine." That is GRACE. Even through the tragedy of losing a precious child, God's grace says, "It's ok...I have big plans for you. This one is mine." His will always wins out over our sin and our choices. That is GRACE. He is God, not us! Not our choices, not our sin. HE IS. This is Grace. So when I realized that because of my absolute depravity, that I didn't even deserve the joy that a mama feels with her children....yet HIS GRACE says, "You are mine! Here is my gift to you." And Grace came into our lives.
She has blessed me as a mama in ways I can't put into words. When I look at her I am reminded of the precious gift of His grace in my life. I now understand the Gospel. I now understand what it means to be His child and there is freedom. This precious girl has been a part of a journey for me. God's grace reached to me when I was still dead in my sin and called me to life. I could not have chosen this for myself, He did it for me. Thanks be to God for His grace!
Happy Birthday Gracie Girl.....we love you!

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