This post has been hard to start. Words cannot express the deep, deep sadness we feel now. Although sadness is felt, we know that Tom is with his Savior now rejoicing and saying "See...it's all true! It's real! Wait until you see this!"
Recently I read "Choosing to See: A Journey of Struggle and Hope" written by Mary Beth Chapman. In the book, she recounts her life leading up to the tragic death of her daughter. I read this before we lost Tom, and what I can't help but remember is the way they responded in faith. And it wasn't that they felt such strong faith, it was that they believed in the promises of God and that they declared their faith in the midst of their pain. The song that has been ministering to me lately is Faithful by Steven Curtis Chapman. In it he says this, "I will proclaim it to the world. I WILL DECLARE IT TO MY HEART, and sing it when the sun is shining. I will scream it in the dark. YOU ARE FAITHFUL! YOU ARE FAITHFUL! When you give and when you take away, even then still Your name is Faithful!....I've dropped my anchor in your promises and I am holding on, cause you ARE FAITHFUL." This is our faith. We don't feel strong, but we will declare God's promises to our hearts. And those promises are that we WILL see Tom again, that Tom IS alive and well, and although we miss him here, he is LIVING life with Christ.
One of the things God calls us to do is to be thankful in ALL circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18) and that is what I am going to do right now! Dropping my anchor in Jesus, my gratitude list continues....

0096 Tom-You were the BEST father in law a girl could ask for. You gave unconditionally and without regret. I love you and can't wait to see you again!
0097 lighting the fire in the fireplace, Mikey says, "Mama, let me help, PopPop taught me this...." as he blows on the fire to make it bigger
0098 balloons in the sky
0099 dinners brought in the pick up line
0100 facebook messages of love and care
0101 being with Grandma
0102 decorating Grandma's tree
0103 Tom's grandkids--they gave such honor to their PopPop
0104 a dear friend who took pictures
0105 HOPE
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?'" John 11:25,26
I'm so sorry, Alisha. The funeral was so beautifully done. It made me wish that I had known such an amazing person. You're right, God is faithful and WILL carry you all through this.
ReplyDeleteLove you. And praying for you.