I cannot believe Mikey is 10! It flew by and seems like yesterday he was delivered into our arms. This crazy kid has been the sweetest, most challenging person in. my. life. Maybe because we are so much alike, or maybe because he is the middle, or maybe just because. He has had to face many challenges in his young life...a sick and often impatient mama, which for an extremely sensitive kid, is a very hard thing to take. It breaks my heart whenever I think of how tired and impatient I have been with him. He has been quite sick himself. As a very young baby/child, we spent many nights in the hospital, awake every few hours with breathing treatments...I think he had about every virus and illness a young child can possible get. Then the lyme disease. Oh boy....to see your child in rage all day, or try to physically hurt you and threaten to hurt himself.....I can't tell you how difficult some years were. But, God IS faithful and He is calling our young man to Himself. I see how he is growing, and I often have to remind myself that he is God's first. He is becoming quite the leader amongst his peers. He knows how to take charge when things are getting out of hand with his buddies, and he is quite the athlete. I can't wait to see what God is going to do with his life, and I pray for patience and grace to raise this strong young man in a way that honors God. Happy Birthday Bubba!!! I love you!

So with the hope Christ gives and a VERY full heart, my list continues:
kids to run around for
a home to return to
a loving hug from a friend
my boy...growing in grace
His many provisions
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