"I will sing of your mercies that lead me through valleys of sorrows to rivers of joy."
I have one thing to add to my list today. A someone who is missed every day, who has left a hole in a family that will never be filled. He loved passionately, cared deeply, prayed always. This year has been the hardest for our family. Ever. But, God has us in His hands. We WILL sing of His mercy and He WILL lead us through this time. It still feels so fresh, but we will look to the heavens for He will never leave us. I don't know what the next months will bring, but I do know that we have a God who loves us and shows us His kindness everyday. I thank God for Tom, for letting us have him for a time, and I am even more thankful that God called him His own and Tom now spends the rest of eternity with His Savior. "I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he LIVE." John 11:25-26

We've been thinking about you and Mike this week and today. We have Tom's picture up in our kitchen and on my desk. Love you guys. Grieving with you.
ReplyDelete...you too Katherine, Michael, and Gracie! Love you all