Monday, March 31, 2014

Keeping It Real

I think the thing that holds me back so often from writing is the fear of keepin' it real! But, let's face it, if we don't keep it real, how in the heck are we going to move forward with things and grow the way God wants us to? So, here I am just keepin' it real today.  Today is sunny! And today, I feel like I can conquer the world!  These days are few and far between here in lovely Maryland.  sarcastic notes there. It is no secret that I miss sunny New Mexico.  But what is a secret is how bitter I have been at the circumstances and people surrounding our move back.  I feel far less bitter than months ago and even years ago, but there still is this tiny part of me that wants to just go all Madea on some folks.  You know Madea, the crazy black woman from the movies that always keeps it real.  You just don't mess with her, cause she might just drive a truck right into your living room.  And yes, that is the scene I have had in my mind on many occasion.  You just don't mess with my family. And you certainly don't ever question my husband's loyalty or priorities.  There is one thing I know, my husband lives to care and provide for his family.  Even if it means taking on three jobs while going to school full time, and doing them all well! And don't you ever question whether or not he is being a good husband and father.  But, we all come face to face with people at some point in our lives that push us to the breaking point and our path forever changes.  As humans we like to look at these circumstances and see all the messed up parts and get angry and bitter.  But as sons and daughters of God, we have no choice but to see these things as graces that push us forever closer to His Son.  Are they always pleasant? No.  Are they always exactly how God would have wanted them to happen? No.  But nothing is ever lost on God.  He uses all the messed up ugly sinful parts of us and uses them for His glory.  Oh what grace.  He IS faithful, and I am only starting to see God's plan for us here in this place at this time.  So….here's to sunshine!  Let's keep it real today….God loves us and has good things planned for us today. One step in front of the other we grow.  Thankful for promises.

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