The last few months have been months of constant change. We are not a family who has taken to this altogether well. We have sold our house, left our family and friends behind for the first time, moved 2000 miles away with no job, no school, no church; just a God who is faithful to provide all of these needs for us by His grace. Sometimes, this takes more time than we want! In leaving, our kids begged us to keep them home for school. They have had the blessing of the most wonderful experience we could have ever hoped for at The Fourth Presbyterian School. That little community helped shape our little family more than they will ever realize. A lot of healing after many forms of crisis, many lifelong friendships were formed there, and so much growth in all of us. Along with Fourth Church, our family will never be the same, and for that, we are truly thankful. But....God has a plan and it doesn't involve Fourth Church. So, we follow the call and we live by faith. This is a lesson my kids are having to learn in a very hard way. Needless to say, we obliged the children's wishes and went ahead and started homeschooling. For all you homeschool moms, I applaud you! This is NO easy task. Especially when you have a 4th grader and 2nd grader who have always gone to school, and with a 3 year old at home! Six weeks into this venture, after many days full of tears, discipline, and fighting we have decided that our kids have been asked to change too much all at once. Even they will tell you that they miss other kids throughout the day and the challenge of making the grade for a teacher (who is not mom)! So, through much prayer, many tears and hearts fighting regret, they were off to school this morning. We are so thankful to find a school with a Christian based education, wonderful teachers and very close to home. Please continue to pray that these precious little ones will see God's hand of grace on their lives throughout all this change going on.
As another Monday comes around, I find my heart full of thanks to a God who is faithful in all the little things in life. My list continues....
Thanksgiving with family
Our Fourth Church family (who is very missed)
A new school
Brave children
A quiet house
Decorated Christmas tree
God's amazing grace

I know your regret, but share your joy of being a mommy who gets to happily pull her little ones home at the end of the day, eager to hear all their stories. Our days are full of prayers for the Lord to guard their little hearts and minds, and teach them to stand up for truth and righteousness. I am so glad that you guys have been able to find such a wonderful place for your family to continue to grow! And I am sure they will miss having you for their teacher. Enjoy your week! Hannah