With a happy heart, she helped clean up to.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Cookies:Gracie
Lately, all that has been on my mind is all the missed opportunities with my family; all the times I should have and could have spent time and said "yes" while I was cleaning or stressing. So, when Gracie asked to make cookies with just me, I said yes!

With a happy heart, she helped clean up to.
With a happy heart, she helped clean up to.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
This was sent to me by a dear family member and the words have ministered this morning.....
commit now all your griefs
and ways into His hands;
to His sure truth and tender care,
who earth and heav’n commands.
who points the clouds their course,
whom winds and seas obey,
He shall direct your wand’ring feet,
He shall prepare your way.
give to the winds your fears;
hope, and be undismayed;
God hears your sighs, and counts your tears,
God shall lift up your head.
through waves and clouds and storms
He gently clears your way;
wait for in His time, so shall the night
soon end in joyous day.
still heavy is your heart?
still sink your spirits down?
cast off the weight, let fear depart,
and every care be gone.
He everywhere has sway,
and all things serve His might;
His every act pure blessing is,
His path unsullied light.
far, far above your thought
His counsel shall appear,
when fully He the work has wrought
that caused your needless fear.
leave to His sovereign sway
to choose and to command;
with wonder filled, you then shall own
how wise, how strong His hand!
_p. gerhardt, j. wesley
commit now all your griefs
and ways into His hands;
to His sure truth and tender care,
who earth and heav’n commands.
who points the clouds their course,
whom winds and seas obey,
He shall direct your wand’ring feet,
He shall prepare your way.
give to the winds your fears;
hope, and be undismayed;
God hears your sighs, and counts your tears,
God shall lift up your head.
through waves and clouds and storms
He gently clears your way;
wait for in His time, so shall the night
soon end in joyous day.
still heavy is your heart?
still sink your spirits down?
cast off the weight, let fear depart,
and every care be gone.
He everywhere has sway,
and all things serve His might;
His every act pure blessing is,
His path unsullied light.
far, far above your thought
His counsel shall appear,
when fully He the work has wrought
that caused your needless fear.
leave to His sovereign sway
to choose and to command;
with wonder filled, you then shall own
how wise, how strong His hand!
_p. gerhardt, j. wesley
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dropping My Anchor:1000 Gifts

This post has been hard to start. Words cannot express the deep, deep sadness we feel now. Although sadness is felt, we know that Tom is with his Savior now rejoicing and saying "See...it's all true! It's real! Wait until you see this!"
Recently I read "Choosing to See: A Journey of Struggle and Hope" written by Mary Beth Chapman. In the book, she recounts her life leading up to the tragic death of her daughter. I read this before we lost Tom, and what I can't help but remember is the way they responded in faith. And it wasn't that they felt such strong faith, it was that they believed in the promises of God and that they declared their faith in the midst of their pain. The song that has been ministering to me lately is Faithful by Steven Curtis Chapman. In it he says this, "I will proclaim it to the world. I WILL DECLARE IT TO MY HEART, and sing it when the sun is shining. I will scream it in the dark. YOU ARE FAITHFUL! YOU ARE FAITHFUL! When you give and when you take away, even then still Your name is Faithful!....I've dropped my anchor in your promises and I am holding on, cause you ARE FAITHFUL." This is our faith. We don't feel strong, but we will declare God's promises to our hearts. And those promises are that we WILL see Tom again, that Tom IS alive and well, and although we miss him here, he is LIVING life with Christ.
One of the things God calls us to do is to be thankful in ALL circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18) and that is what I am going to do right now! Dropping my anchor in Jesus, my gratitude list continues....

0096 Tom-You were the BEST father in law a girl could ask for. You gave unconditionally and without regret. I love you and can't wait to see you again!
0097 lighting the fire in the fireplace, Mikey says, "Mama, let me help, PopPop taught me this...." as he blows on the fire to make it bigger
0098 balloons in the sky
0099 dinners brought in the pick up line
0100 facebook messages of love and care
0101 being with Grandma
0102 decorating Grandma's tree
0103 Tom's grandkids--they gave such honor to their PopPop
0104 a dear friend who took pictures
0105 HOPE
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?'" John 11:25,26
Monday, October 4, 2010
One Year Later:1000 Gifts
It's been one year already! I can't tell you how fast this year went. I am sitting at my desk staring out my window to an absolutely gorgeous view on a gorgeous New Mexico fall day. I am truly blessed. We have suffered many emotions over the past few weeks. The year anniversary of our little adventure brought joy, fear, tears, gratitude, questions. One thing we believe so strongly is that God is sovereign. HE has ordained our days, HE has ordained our steps, HE has ordained our decisions. As my husband faithfully goes about his days, many questions rear their ugly heads. But we know God is walking with us, He is sustaining us and teaching us how to live this new life. Our children are growing. I am growing and learning how to navigate my sometimes difficult melancholy self!!! One thing I am so grateful for is God's ever present hand on me reminding me that I am His chosen girl. One who He loves and disciplines. I am learning to laugh more often and smile more often, and believe me....I need to do these things more. He has blessed me and cherished me. Our tears are turning to joy....
So, with a full heart, one that is learning how to serve, my gratitude list goes on....
0087: a God that ordains my steps
0088: pain that reminds me always of a God who upholds
0089: a letter from Gracie girl--"You are the greatest mama. You are the greatest mom." (Singing this of course-it goes on to thank God) "Thank you for the E I made. Thank you for Knoxy. Thank you God for everything."
0090: learning to not let life slip away
0091: learning to let go
0092: my home
0093: the turning leaves
0094: the quiet
Lord, help me to be more tender, joy-filled, gracious....
Friday, August 27, 2010
Summer:Time Flies
Wow! This has been quite a year....it's been a year since we have moved, and it's very hard for my mind to believe it. It went so fast! Life is moving along at a pace I find hard to keep up with. But, it has been a year of many blessings. One of those blessings is finally being able to "get away" with my family and have to rely so much on just them, that my focus is clear once again on the priorities that are important. With my mind and heart clear, I have seen so many things that I wish I could change. Michael and have talked so much about this lately. And I thank God that my children are still young enough to witness the changes in our hearts as we grow closer to our Savior. This is one of the reasons we moved. Realizing that time is fleeting; are we living out the dream God has put in our hearts? Are we going to let more time go by before we "make the most of every opportunity"? As fast as time is moving, I can't even fathom the fact that my kids will sooner, rather than later, be leaving our home to follow their dreams. I want to live my life as an example of what it means to live in the presence of God and in the will of God. I want my kids to look back and see God's hand of blessing on our family. This summer is a testament to that blessing. A new home, a new dog, a most wonderful time away with family and friends. My children were so blessed this summer by so many people. Michael and I were blessed also. Blessed with time alone with each other to make a new home for our kids, and to just BE together. I am so grateful. I look forward to the next year of this adventure with eyes wide open and a heart that wants to witness every moment with my family and my God. I don't want to miss a thing!
(These pictures are way out of order....but, enjoy! Many good memories contained in them!)

(These pictures are way out of order....but, enjoy! Many good memories contained in them!)

Monday, June 21, 2010
The power of grace
The pastor of the church we have been attending posted this excerpt from author Elyse Fitzpatrick. It was so good, I had to share it....
Because of the incarnation, Jesus Christ knows exactly what it is to live in a sin-cursed world with people who break the rules…like me. I am a rule-breaker but He’s loved me and he’s experienced every trial I face. He’s with me. He sympathizes with my weakness (Hebrews 4:15). This understanding of His love in the face of my sin drains my anger at my rule-breaking neighbor. I can love her because I’ve been loved and I am just like her.
Because of His sinless life, I now have a perfect record of loving my neighbor. He perfectly loved rule-breakers. This record of perfect love for my rule-breaking neighbor is mine now; knowing this relieves my guilt. Even though I continue to fail to love, His record is mine.
Because of His substitutionary death, I am completely forgiven for my sin…even the sins that I seem to fall into at the slightest provocation. God has no wrath left for me because He poured it all out on His Son. He’s not disappointed or irritated. He welcomes me as a beloved daughter.
Because of His resurrection (and the justification it brings), I know that the power of sin in my life has been broken. Yes, I’ve failed again, but I can have the courage to continue to fight sin because I’m no longer a slave to it. This replaces despair with faith to wage war against my selfishness and pride.
Because of His ascension and reign, I know that this situation isn’t a mere chance happening. He’s orchestrated it so that I will remember Him and be blessed by the gospel again. He’s ruling over my life and interceding for me right now. I’m not a slave to chaos or chance. He’s my Sovereign King and I can rest in His loving plan today and rejoice in Him.
And, because of His promised return, I know that all the doubt, injustice and struggle will one day come to an end. This line in this grocery store and my plans for dinner isn’t all there is. There’s the great good news of the gospel. I can go home now and share with my family and guests how Jesus met me at the grocery store and we can rejoice together in His work on our behalf.
~Elyse Fitzpatrick
Because of the incarnation, Jesus Christ knows exactly what it is to live in a sin-cursed world with people who break the rules…like me. I am a rule-breaker but He’s loved me and he’s experienced every trial I face. He’s with me. He sympathizes with my weakness (Hebrews 4:15). This understanding of His love in the face of my sin drains my anger at my rule-breaking neighbor. I can love her because I’ve been loved and I am just like her.
Because of His sinless life, I now have a perfect record of loving my neighbor. He perfectly loved rule-breakers. This record of perfect love for my rule-breaking neighbor is mine now; knowing this relieves my guilt. Even though I continue to fail to love, His record is mine.
Because of His substitutionary death, I am completely forgiven for my sin…even the sins that I seem to fall into at the slightest provocation. God has no wrath left for me because He poured it all out on His Son. He’s not disappointed or irritated. He welcomes me as a beloved daughter.
Because of His resurrection (and the justification it brings), I know that the power of sin in my life has been broken. Yes, I’ve failed again, but I can have the courage to continue to fight sin because I’m no longer a slave to it. This replaces despair with faith to wage war against my selfishness and pride.
Because of His ascension and reign, I know that this situation isn’t a mere chance happening. He’s orchestrated it so that I will remember Him and be blessed by the gospel again. He’s ruling over my life and interceding for me right now. I’m not a slave to chaos or chance. He’s my Sovereign King and I can rest in His loving plan today and rejoice in Him.
And, because of His promised return, I know that all the doubt, injustice and struggle will one day come to an end. This line in this grocery store and my plans for dinner isn’t all there is. There’s the great good news of the gospel. I can go home now and share with my family and guests how Jesus met me at the grocery store and we can rejoice together in His work on our behalf.
~Elyse Fitzpatrick
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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