Life is short. Too short. It seems I have been learning about this for some time now, and God hasn't let me forget. I am grateful for this. Gratitude is something I am learning. Learning to think about all the little gifts that God has given me and to savor each one of them. It has taken me 34 years to discover that life is not about me and what I can do to make things better, it's all about what God has done to make MY life better.
The book I can't put down, has been nailing this down for me. Ann writes, "...I hear it well: the only thing to rip out the tape echoing of self-rejection is the song of His serenade. One thousand gifts tuned me to the beat. It really is like C.S. Lewis argued: that the most fundamental thing is not how we think of God but rather what God things of us: 'How God thinks of us is not only more important, but infinitely more important'. Years of Christian discipleship, Bible study, churchgoing had been about me thinking about God; practicing eucharisteo was the very first time I had really considered at length what God thought of me-this ridiculous and relentlessly pursuing love, so bold. Everywhere, everything, Love!"
Her challenge is this: to begin a list of 1000 gifts of grace in your life. One thousand ways He has loved us. Even in the ugly. And even in giving thanks (eucharisteo) for the ugly, they start becoming beautiful. The dishes in the sink, the dog hair-gifts from God. We HAVE dishes, my children HAVE a dog. What joy this has brought, what peace in knowing that all of life is grace. Every breath, every step is grace. I cannot demand anything in this life, all is grace. All is a gift. She writes later, "Purgation was the first step toward full life in God, according to ancients. Awakened to the chasm separating from God, one prays for divine assistance to purge the soul of self-will. And for me too, eucharisteo had gently slowed me down, opened my hand to purge me of my hold, my control, on the world. With each gift I had accepted and given thanks for, I let go of my own will and accepted His. But my purgation, this releasing of sin and self, wasn't an act of will or effort, but the act of CHRIST and His grace all-sufficient. Overwhelming grace grew me to the Christ full of glory that I might empty of the self." Oh to let go and be grateful. This is changing so much in me. It's the beginnings of a life full of gratitude towards a God to as
The Jesus Storybook Bible states has a "Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love" towards me.
I have begun this challenge, will you? Write 1000 gifts of grace, and then keep it going. Everyday. Give thanks for the wonder of this ugly beautiful life.
Below is a link to a video. Ann reads about this book and the challenge. Watch it and remember all the ways God has graced you today. (You will need to turn off the music player at the bottom)
Searching for the beautiful in the ugly, my list continues:
106: Kathryn: for all the ways she is growing up
107: medals after hard work
108: the breath of fresh air that is Angel
109: road trips with my girls
110: American Girls
111: a son that runs into my arms when I walk in the door
112: dishes in the sink
113: the laundry room always in motion