Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Jewel of Grace

Acts 17:26 "From one man, he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. For God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us."

My precious Kathryn has taken hard to the news of moving, of leaving this wonderful life she has. The friends she has made, the school she adores, the church that God has used so mightily to bring healing to this family. My heart breaks to see her walk through this trial. I have seen God's hand at work throughout this process and I know He is not far from us now. To teach this truth to a broken-hearted nine year old is more than difficult. Even still, God's sovereignty remains. God has used my many trials to call out to Him. This is no different for my children. They will learn to cry out to God in the midst of heartbreak. This is grace in action. As a parent, I can't wait to see the fruit that is sure to come. I have been reading through "To Live the Gospel", a book of devotions written by our pastor Rob Norris. This one from Feb '95 is exactly what God is doing in my Kathryn.

From Weakness to Strength

"There are times when all of us feel oppressed by circumstances that seem to control our destinies and direct our lives. Yet the mighty God can make us stronger than our circumstances. He once promised Jacob a most astounding thing: 'Fear not, thou worm Jacob...Behold I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth...' Isaiah 41:14-15 KJV

Could any two things be in greater contrast than a worm and a threshing instrument having teeth? The worm is delicate, crushable and easily hurt. An instrument with teeth can break and not be broken; it can leave its mark on a rock. God promises that he can take the man or woman who may be as impotent as a worm and can endow them with strength to make a mark on life.
So take heart, even if you are dispirited by your inability to rule your own destiny, for the mighty God can make us mightier than our circumstances. He can bend all things to our good. He can take hold of a disappointment, break it open and extract from it a jewel of grace. When God gives us wills like iron, we can drive through difficulties as easily as the iron instrument can cut through the toughest soil.
Christ is building his kingdom with earth's broken things. He takes us, even if we are unsuccessful in this world, for he is the God of the unsuccessful, of those who have failed. Heaven is filled with earth's broken lives, and there is no bruised reed that Christ cannot take and restore to blessedness and beauty. He can take the life crushed by pain or sorrow and make it into an instrument of music for the Lord. He can lift earth's saddest failure up to heaven's glory.
Do not be discouraged by circumstances, for the Lord controls them. He can enable you to triumph over them, and make them serve both you and his purpose."
Rob Norris