Monday, December 14, 2009

Thorns:1000 Gifts

ife without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion.

Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception.

Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude.

Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road."

-John Henry Jowett

I have copied this quote from one of my absolute favorite blogs A Holy Experience. Ann Voskamp has continued to encourage me and to challenge my often ungrateful view on life. This unfortunate thorn has not only caused me to be unkind and selfish toward my family, but it has also forced me to my knees in repentance. It is these kinds of "thorns in the flesh" I am grateful for today. Little reminders of my need for a Savior. And believe me, I have quite a few!!! Not only spiritual in nature, but the physical as well. I thank God for these today as I reflect on the past couple of weeks. I thank God for His grace that continually calls me home.

Thorns in the flesh


God's continued grace

Continued blessing at school


Being able to fly home for Christmas


Christmas cookies

My husband


My children


The Advent of our Lord and Savior