Monday, September 30, 2013

When There Are No Words Left To Say

Sometimes we are at a place in life where there are no words left to speak. Life has a way knocking us around and leaving us completely paralyzed at the foot of the cross. It's been over a year back here in Maryland, and life doesn't want to let up it seems.  The hits keep coming and it leaves us breathless.  I am so grateful for my Savior...the One who never lets us walk through these times without Him.  He gives grace for the days and strength to our bones. So...when there are no words left to say, we say Thank You.  Thank you for life. Thank you for resurrection. Thank you for provision in time of need.  Thank you for the faith to dig down deep and keep going.  When life doesn't let up, we give thanks.

 For this boy and a birthday...another year to watch him grow.

 For a house full of teenagers....oh the fun!

New friendships...oh so thankful.

God has provided joy in the midst of struggle, faith where it seems there shouldn't be.  He has carried us through this year, and I know He won't let go. So very thankful for the many blessings He has provided and the faith that ONLY He can give.  God is working His will out in our daily lives....I pray I can see it and walk through my days with my eyes upward....looking to the only One who can sustain and bring redemption.