Monday, January 16, 2012

1000 Gifts Dare

I am sluggish in this dare...the dare I took so long ago. My heart is so willing, but my flesh is so weak. Why is it so hard to write down graces? I am still in it though....

Read this if you want to be inspired to start journaling God's gifts to you: A Holy Experience

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Timely Grace

I have had no inspiration for my blog these days. In fact, I have felt mostly numb lately about happenings in our life. I am ready for God to move and do SOMETHING...anything. But, I know that God has His own time. So, in a rare moment of quiet today, I picked up this.

Timely Grace

"One of the great words of comfort that comes to us from the Old Testament is found in the prophecy of Isaiah: 'When thou passeth through the waters, they shall not overflow thee' (Isaiah 43:2)

God does not open paths for us before we need them. He does not promise help before help is necessary. He does not remove obstacles from our path before we reach those obstacles. Yet, when we are on the edge of our need, God's hand is always stretched out.

There are many times when we forget this simple truth. As a consequence, we end up worrying about difficulties which we see ahead, and the future becomes a place that is threatening and obstacle strewn. We expect that God is join to make the path plain and open before us for miles and miles ahead, whereas he has promised to do it only step by step as we need it.

Our call is to go to the waters with our eyes fixed on him. Instead of seeing the floods and the raging seas, we claim his promise. Then, we bodily step forward in faith.

There are those who unnecessarily harbor the dread of the future in their personal lives, in their work, and even in church. The dread may have to do with health, vision, or duty, or even the reality of death.

God's promise stands: grace for whatever is needed will be provided-living grace, timely grace; and even in due time, dying grace. The waves do not overflow us for God is our sufficiency. With that promise claimed, with that vision before our eyes, we are able to go forward confident in him always."

Rob Norris from "To Live the Gospel"