Monday, December 17, 2012

Our Christmas Card:1000 Gifts

Hold on for dear life!!  This has been one wild ride! 

Merry Christmas our dear friends and family...this year, our "card" is a little different.  Between time and funds, this will have to do!!  Most of you know where we are in our adventurous life, but for those of you who aren't as up to date, we are back in Maryland; back to our roots and our former life.  Not really what we expected, but then again, when does God do what we expect in life? This has been a roller coaster experience for sure.  One filled with joy and pain, sorrow and struggle, grief and growth. The pieces are far from put together, but I have a faithful God who has already made the pieces of our puzzle and is working to put them together in His time.  I rest in that. Ok, so a little update on us...

Kathryn: she is just shy of 13.  Our little Valentine is happy to be back.  She is in 7th grade and loves life.  She is a true joy to us. Kathryn's heart is full of compassion and full of love for her family and her friends.  She is back to Irish dancing and loving every minute of it.  She was able to compete in New Orleans in November in the Southern Region Oireachtas with an 8-hand team.  And, she is getting ready to start practice for the same team to head to Worlds in Boston!  She is getting around these days. We are trying hard to keep up! But it is a joy to try.  

Mikey: he is 11.  And. Such. A. Boy.  He was not so eager to come back east, but he has grown so much for it.  We see growth daily in this young man, and it is a joy to watch.  He also is full of compassion and love for his family, although he has a funny way of showing it at times!!  He is in the 5th grade and is currently playing basketball for our school The Fourth Presbyterian School.  He was part of the newspaper club this semester and I think he has really found a love for picture taking.  Which would make more sense, cause to get him to actually be in a picture or smile is quite the undertaking. 

Gracie: she is 6!  I can't believe 6 years has come and gone since this little gift of grace came into our lives.  It was through carrying her that I finally and truly understood the Gospel and what grace meant.  We are so very thankful for her....she is a whirlwind of joy around here.  She is full of whit and her laughter is contagious. She is in the 1st grade and loves school.  She throws herself fully into life.  She also Irish dances and is just beginning to compete. Keeping up with two Irish dancers in the family, well, lets just say...Mama may have to get a job after all!!!

Michael: we won't advertise his age!!!  He is currently working on getting his appraisal license reinstated, which has taken a lot more than we anticipated.  But, as always, he has been faithful to get to all his classes and still work for his brother full time, be a husband and a daddy.  I will never know how he does it all, but I am thankful for this faithful, hardworking man.

Alisha: I don't think I will say my age either! Well, let's see...we got back into town in June and 4, yes 4 days later I went to work full time in a doctors office! I worked there for three months filling in for two ladies who were on back to back maternity leave.  What. A. Summer.  Really, it was the hardest summer for our family.  So much transition and pain and loneliness, especially for the kids with mama out of the house.  But, we survived and I am now back at home full time.  Whew!!  I will help there when they need it, and am happy to keep my foot in the working door.  For now though, home is where we need me to be and I am happy to oblige. These days are filled with laundry, meals, driving, driving, and more driving!!  It's my stage of life, and I am trying to savor every moment.

In light of the recent tragedy in Newtown, my heart is ever more prone to thank my God for the gifts of grace He daily pours out.  I am so keenly aware that there is NOTHING I can do to save myself; no good works, no good thoughts.  He ALONE saves. I read today her blog, and the picture she paints is so vivid.  She writes of the snake in Genesis who tempted and won over Eve in the garden to eat of the fruit.  The snake was later cursed by God and told that "He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel" (Gen 3:15). She goes on to quote Revelation and the Christmas story that is depicted there (Rev. 12:1-6).  She also writes about the neurology of a snake, how when it's head is crushed, it slashes around wildly for a long time.  That snake that tempted Eve and caused the world to fall apart, his head is certainly crushed, but we still feel the impact of that to this day. In fact, we will feel the impact of that until the day our Lord returns.  Oh, his head is crushed, but the tail still wildly thrashes about this world reeking havoc. We saw that this past Friday. Giving thanks is our only coping mechanism that we have that can right any pain in our lives.  Coming to God in humility and thanking Him for His graces, this is how we move on toward Heaven.  Many of us have one foot in heaven this day, let's thank Him for His grace and look heavenward knowing that not a hair can fall from our head without the will of God; that all things work together for our good...somehow.

We are thankful today and our list grows:

#268 school plays (KK)
#269 "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown"
#270 "Loosy and Peprmit Pade" (or...Lucy & Peppermint Patty-Grace)
#271 Mrs. W
#272 Friends who listen
#273 Food (Mikey)
#274 my Elf on the Shelf (Grace)
#275 Glow of candles
#276 Provision
#277 Timely words
#278 Church friends (KK)
#279 being able to stay home when my kids are sick
#280 Christmas cards from loved ones
#281 remembrance

Merry Christmas from the O'Halloran family.  May God richly bless you this coming year.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Perseverance:1000 Gifts

Perseverance. It's hard in the face of adversity. We are all as a family learning this in many different ways.  In the face of broken dreams, it takes perseverance to get up and face a new day with joy and gratitude for what lies before you. Isn't that what Mary must have felt throughout her journey? What ups and downs of emotions she must have endured during the time waiting for Jesus to be born. This season is a season of waiting, and I feel so keenly aware of that feeling.  Waiting to see what God has planned through all this struggle of change. My oldest has just had an experience in which she too has to face perseverance in the face of challenge.  Oh she danced so beautifully and always has. This time wasn't her time. The tears flowed. And she goes on. She has faced many obstacles along her journey.  And. She. Just. Presses. On. She is an example of what it means to persevere. Her time WILL come, and so it will for all of us who follow Christ. This time of year always brings me to the heart of the Gospel. The waiting. The expectation.  And God WAS and IS faithful to fulfill all of our longing. We have all been writing our gratitude down and our list continues...

#208 Starbucks (KK)
#209 School (Grace)
#210 Getting to work at a job I love (Karen)
#211 A quiet day
#212 Smell of fresh laundry
#213 Sleep (KK)
#214 Medicine (Mikey)
#215 Hot Coffee
#216 A short school week
#217 Time w/ family
#218 TV (Grace)
#219 Christmas Music
#220 Thanksgiving Play at school
#221 Warm House (Sharon)
#222 My life is in God's hands (Sharon)
#223 Clothes (KK)
#224 Mikey leaning in for a hug
#225 KK asking "Mom, brush my hair?"
#226 Peace today
#227 Storage Units
#228 Girlie playdates
#229 Cousins (Grace)
#230 Cars (Mikey)
#231 Chick-Fil-A (KK)
#232 Toothless "goodmorning" from my girl
#233 Houses & Pool (Grace)
#234 Little sisters (KK)
#235 Clothes (KK)
#236 Music (Sharon)
#237 All the various colored birds (Sharon)
#238 Blue Sky (Sharon)
#239 Watching Mikey make cranberry relish
#240 Meeting an old friend for coffee and catching up
#241 Slow Thanksgiving morning
#242 Melting Pot dinner
#243 Outside & Playground (Grace)
#244 Thanksgiving (Mikey)
#245 Family (KK)
#246 A beautiful sunrise
#247 Dogs (Grace)
#248 Animal Control (Mikey)
#249 Playdates & Sleepovers (Grace)
#250 Dogs & Cats (Grace)
#251 A visit with cousins
#252 School (KK)
#253 Recess (Grace)
#254 Clothes (Mikey)
#255 iPhone 4S (KK)
#256 Christmas Decorations
#257 My little girl reading better
#258 An upcoming trip with my oldest
#259 Plays (Grace)
#260 Homework (Grace)
#261 Friends Belle & Ella (Grace)
#262 cereal (KK)
#263 Food & Daisy Scouts (Grace)
#264 books (KK)
#265 Christmas lights
#266 Homework (Grace)
#267 time with KK

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Two Years Later:1000 Gifts

It has been two years already. Time flies faster than I could ever imagine it could. Two years ago, we were getting ready for a special visitor. What we got instead was news that would forever change our lives. Our beloved father, PopPop, friend, brother in Christ was taken home much earlier than we could have thought. It WAS HIS time, and we can see that a little clearer now. Somehow God chose to take him home and leave us behind to learn to trust. The life of our little family got significantly harder and we are still in the throws of trial and grief on the same level, but much more added. I still do not understand God's way with us, and sometimes feel like a hurt child who wants to climb into the arms of my heavenly Father. And I just want to rest there for awhile. I am thankful the my Father in heaven is one who wants me to do just that. Thankful that I CAN rest for while. And in the meantime, He surly takes care of His own. My mother-in-law has seen God move this week in a sweet way. Psalm 68:5 tells us He is "Father to the fatherless and protector of the widow". God has provided a brand new furnace free of charge to her! It IS miraculous. God does protect us and He will be a husband to the husbandless. And this wasn't the only way in which God has shown is love for her. What a God we serve. This past week, we officially joined our church and have been writing our statements of faith. One precious church member gave this as her statement, and there really are no better words than these to state what we believe. What a comfort these words are to me as we ponder God and His mighty ways. From the Heidelberg Catechism, Question 1: "What is my only comfort in life and death? That I am not my own, but belong - body and soul, in life and in death - to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with His precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven: in fact, ALL things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for Him."

Tom is in the hands of our precious Lord and Savior, basking in His grace face to face with his Father. We rejoice for him and wait eagerly for the day we can see him again. We remember Tom's amazing heart for his Savior, for prayer and care for those around him. We miss you. Everyday.

Through all, this particular household has felt the cosmic warfare around us. It's thick and we are right in the middle of it. The only way I know how to walk through this is to get on my knees in heartfelt gratitude for the ways in which my God loves me. Sharon and I decided to put out a journal on the kitchen table so we all can write down our gratitude together; rejoice for each other in the small things and in the big. I am looking back and realize it was one year ago today that I journaled my last gift on this list. And,  it is no wonder I feel far from gracious these days.  Praying for God to change my heart and to help me remember ALL that HE HAS done.

So we have picked up our pen, and the list continues...

#198 gentle reminders from the Holy Spirit
#199 coffee with friends
#200 Knox and my family (Gracie)
#201 Food (Kathryn)
#202 Brand New Furnace...FREE!! (Sharon)
#203 Truck sold!! (Sharon)
#204 God (Gracie)
#205 Food!! (Mikey) I guess they are hungry kids!!
#206 Sunshine (Sharon)
#207 My family (Sharon)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Checking In

I am still here! Just have been quiet these days, trying to grasp the drastic change in lifestyle here in the east. This is my hometown, although I feel far from home these days. We are trying to settle back in to the hustle and bustle of the DC area. The kids are doing great back in their school with their childhood friends and that makes my heart glad. We did a little bit of travel and sightseeing before we left the great west. Disney was our primary destination, but we got to spend a night on the beach outside of LA and see the Grand Canyon on the way back. The trip was a great break from the stresses of packing and moving, but seems a lifetime ago. What a day!
Her favorite princess...who we visited at least 3 times!
All smiles...even the boy!!
My California girl....I think she has a new love
Our view...stunning. And yes, I want to go back!
My kiddos!
He was in awe of the space...maybe a future photographer!
God's amazing creation
And then...the goodbyes.
Sweet prayers of safety...
Oh how I miss these ladies...
Best Friends...
Goodbye Big Sky...
Didn't we do this already?!
A site you don't see in the East...the Santa Fe train. Beautiful.
Maryland welcomes you...with rain of course.
We have come full circle. We do not have understanding yet of God's plan, but we rest in His promises that He holds our little family in the palm of His hand. I have been quiet here because I simply have not had words to speak. I have felt, and quite frankly, still feel empty and at times, hopeless. But I have been reminded of this... Romans 8:26-28 tells us "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." I am thankful that He is praying for me when I don't have the words to express. He knows what they are. So...I guess the adventure continues, just here on the east coast and not on the west. Let's see where it takes us....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Bend in the Road

This is my backyard. This is the view I will miss. Yes, it is official...we are moving back east. This has caused much pain and confusion in our little family, and it has been a time of such growing pains. Sometimes it's hard to understand the ways of God. These last few years have been wonderfully painful, gloriously hard, and ones we will not soon forget. I personally have met some of the best friends I will ever have. I have had so much fun with some special ladies here and that time will be so missed. Maybe I will introduce you to some of them soon! I don't feel ready to go back just yet, but....I know we are in the hands of Almighty God. This is what I constantly lean on. I saw God move when we moved out here, and I am seeing His hand on the way back. Very specific prayers have been answered and that always mystifies me. God is blessing us. My older girl gets to go on a dance trip to New Orleans, something she has begged and prayed about and it is happening for her. Makes my heart happy. Ways have been provided for our kids to go back to the school we left, something that will make this transition a bit easier. And God has blessed me with a job I am really excited about! God is good. He sees our lives and He knows what we need and He is faithful to care for us. I am excited to see what He has in store for us. It will be a long hard road back, but I am confident in the God who hold us in the palm of His hand. So our great adventure has a little bend in the road, but it is far from over.

Monday, January 16, 2012

1000 Gifts Dare

I am sluggish in this dare...the dare I took so long ago. My heart is so willing, but my flesh is so weak. Why is it so hard to write down graces? I am still in it though....

Read this if you want to be inspired to start journaling God's gifts to you: A Holy Experience

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Timely Grace

I have had no inspiration for my blog these days. In fact, I have felt mostly numb lately about happenings in our life. I am ready for God to move and do SOMETHING...anything. But, I know that God has His own time. So, in a rare moment of quiet today, I picked up this.

Timely Grace

"One of the great words of comfort that comes to us from the Old Testament is found in the prophecy of Isaiah: 'When thou passeth through the waters, they shall not overflow thee' (Isaiah 43:2)

God does not open paths for us before we need them. He does not promise help before help is necessary. He does not remove obstacles from our path before we reach those obstacles. Yet, when we are on the edge of our need, God's hand is always stretched out.

There are many times when we forget this simple truth. As a consequence, we end up worrying about difficulties which we see ahead, and the future becomes a place that is threatening and obstacle strewn. We expect that God is join to make the path plain and open before us for miles and miles ahead, whereas he has promised to do it only step by step as we need it.

Our call is to go to the waters with our eyes fixed on him. Instead of seeing the floods and the raging seas, we claim his promise. Then, we bodily step forward in faith.

There are those who unnecessarily harbor the dread of the future in their personal lives, in their work, and even in church. The dread may have to do with health, vision, or duty, or even the reality of death.

God's promise stands: grace for whatever is needed will be provided-living grace, timely grace; and even in due time, dying grace. The waves do not overflow us for God is our sufficiency. With that promise claimed, with that vision before our eyes, we are able to go forward confident in him always."

Rob Norris from "To Live the Gospel"